It’s Cuffing Season…
"Cuffing Season" is a term that has gained popularity to describe this seasonal phenomenon where people tend to seek and establish romantic relationships during the colder months of the year. While it may seem like a lighthearted trend, there are very real psychological and sociological reasons behind this desire to connect in winter.
On Interdependence
True MAGIC happens when we don’t forget our own needs in our relationship, we do work on ourselves, and we have a partner that helps us move forward in this work.
Greetings From Relationship Paradise Island!
Relationship Paradise Island… A place for people who have done the personal work necessary and are ready to experience the value of engaging in deep, meaningful relationships — even knowing that landing here also means continued growth and evolution in love.
The SCARIEST Thing About Long-Term Relationships…
Relationships require ongoing care and attention. Just as a garden won't thrive without water, sunlight, and nurturing, a romantic partnership can wither without the investment of time and energy. We can get caught up in a myriad of life demands… work, family, and daily life, making it easy to neglect our most important connections.
The Magic of Emotional Intimacy
Emotional intimacy is the profound feeling of being in sync with someone else, forging a bond that allows us to feel safe and secure in our connection with them. It's a powerful force that can strengthen relationships and make them more fulfilling.
Emotional intimacy is the foundation of any strong and healthy relationship. When emotional intimacy is present, we feel safe, secure, and understood. It's the essential element that nurtures trust, understanding, and acceptance in any relationship.
To build emotional intimacy, we need to be willing to share our truth, be vulnerable, and practice empathy. Here are some key steps to help develop this deep connection…
The Wisdom of Purposeful Time Out…
There is simply no replacing dedicated time alone together! Here are my recommendations for couples…
How SPICY Are Couples Sessions?
I work with couples to help them chart a course to grow their relationship, deepen their intimacy, or have better communication by taking a customized approach.
Open Relationship as Spiritual Path
Open Relationship can be a fertile ground for personal development.
On Independence
There are ways to be whole in relationship, to meet one’s partner as an equal or a complimentary energy, and not give over our personal power in a sexual or romantic dynamic.
So, I Started a BLOG…
I’ve been sharing my thoughts in my newsletter for a couple of years now. And I’ve realized that many of you have not been with me through this whole journey since I opened my coaching practice back in 2021. I don’t want any of you to miss out on key information!
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve gathered my most informative newsletters and created a retrospective blog here on my website.