Tantra for Better Sex: Mindset
KEYS to BETTER SEX | 5.25.22
Before I became a sex coach, I became a meditator. About 15 years ago, I became a student of Tibetan Buddhism. All of the training in meditation and visualization really paid off when I found my calling as a Tantric Sex Coach! You see, we can take the principles of Classical Tantra and apply them to sex. (This is called: Neo-Tantra.)
In this space, I’ll be sharing “Keys to Better Sex.” Many of these keys come from Classical Tantra. One key is Mindset.
Your mindset about sex and sexuality impacts your experience of intimacy. People can have a sexual mindset that is determined by limiting beliefs around sexuality — judgments, negative self- regard, or ideas of how sex is or isn’t “supposed” to be. (If this rings true for you, coaching can be super helpful!)
I invite you to spend some time considering your mindset… If we are “hung up” or closed off, we are going to miss out on pleasure. Or we may engage in activities that aren’t in alignment with what we truly want. Think about it… If we aren’t “in the mood” is sex going to be any good? If we think we are going to “fail,” won’t we?
Practice: Look at your mindset. (Be careful not to take on an aggressive stance trying to change yourself.) Look simply with curiosity at what is there… What informed your mindset about your sexuality?
We aren’t going to bed with our family of origin, the religion we were raised in, our workplace identity, societal beliefs… When you evolve your set of beliefs away from those you were taught, and towards ones that are authentic to who you are, you can slowly awaken to a mindset that is more conducive to having better sex.
The best way to train your mindset is with a coach. If you want to up-level your sex life and you’re ready to start, hit me up for an initial chat. There’s no obligation. I’ll provide suggestions just for you and your path (which may or may not include my coaching).
If you want to learn more about the Keys to Better Sex, try catching one of my meditation classes!